Our hormones are generally mentioned in the context of the scape goat; the invisible at-fault party. “I can’t seem to lose weight or tone muscle like I used to, must be hormones. She has been moody all day, probably hormonal. His hair is thinning; better get his hormones checked.” This logic isn’t as flippant as you think. Our hormones actually do have a hand in every other bodily function. The role our hormones play and the inputs that guide them are methodical and complex. Our hormones aren’t random and they don’t just scramble out of whack for no reason. We choose inputs that influence the rate and quality of hormone production. The inputs are things like sleep, exercise, hydration, nutrition (vitamins and minerals), toxins and stress. The Input One particular input we want to examine today is Iodine. Although Iodine is a trace mineral; proper levels of it in the human body are crucial for well being. Specifically, iodine levels are directly related to thyroid hormones. The T3 and T4 hormones are responsible for cellular matabolism and the proper development of the kidneys, liver, heart, muscles and brain. Suffice it to say, you don’t want to wallow around lacking in iodine.

Prolonged imbalance in the thyroid can result in a discontinuity among the HPT axis. We mentioned the hypothalamus/pituitary/thyroid relationship in Unraveling Adrenal Fatigue. The relationship between these hormone housing glands is a delicate balance. An insufficient production of any of the key hormones, causes disruption in the others. Imagine a house where the electrical wires are a tangled mess. You turn on the porch light and the garbage disposal whirrs in the back. Similarly, when the means of hormone regulation are not operating properly; our internal messages get mixed. The Restoration Process One way to easily meet your daily iodine requirement is to eat foods high in iodine. Sea veggies like kelp and nori are extremely good sources. Other foods high in iodine include asparagus, leafy greens, onions, sweet potatoes, many legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, barley, farro and quinoa.

supplementation is another way to be sure your iodine levels are adequate. Roots to Remedies has a carefully crafted formula called Thyroid Warrior.
The Supergreens Superfood Blend is a great and easy alternative to getting in your daily greens which aid in digestion, enhancing your immune system, and boosting your energy. This product is rich in sea extracts chlorella and kelp. Our Balacing Act blend is another incredible tool for your body’s shop. Since the relationships between various hormonal processes are so mutually dependent, nurturing one nurtures them all. While over 70% Of the world’s population has experienced iodine deficiency, it is a problem that has a solution. Again, iodine is a trace mineral so the amount necessary is small, only about 150 micrograms.
The Output So, what do we get for maintaining healthy iodine levels? The payoff is well worth the maintenance. We get hormones that are in balance. We experience more restful sleep and improved mental clarity. Proper thyroid harmony can improve your mood and maintain energy. As with all things automated, it’s cyclical. Patterns of behavior which produce low levels of necessary inputs, result in the effects of the low levels of inputs. When we take time to tend to our own wellness, in the form of inputs like iodine levels, we naturally tune in to other things our bodies need. If you nurture the thyroid and improve mental clarity, it is highly likely you will be aware of other areas in need of subtle attention. Better focus will no doubt result in improved decision making. Quality sleep fosters wellness on so many levels. Our cells do the bulk of their healing while we sleep. We only get one engine with which to race through this existence. The design of our models would be that they were built for performance. Life Happens. Distractions come up and we forget to give ourselves proper maintenance from time to time. That’s ok. We get to choose again tomorrow. Tomorrow, choose to ensure your body has the inputs it needs for optimal performance. Your Victory Lap is in Reach???? – Roots to Remedies